

Looking at the way newspapers are distributed in different environments. Students are, in the majority, are on the move a lot of the time, especially in and around city centres and towns. Offering a method of quick and easy distribution can often influence people to buy a newspaper through pure convenience. Small, manned newspaper vendors usually sell local newspapers, of which there is often not a lot of relevant content where students are concerned.

Even more convenient are un-manned machines commonly found in America, removing the human interaction only speeds up the process and seems more approachable as one can make the personal choice to approach it without having to stop and interact.

Introducing this concept to the UK permanently, more specifically for the I magazine would incur extreme costs, most probably not a viable solution for reaching out to students. However, large temporary vendors could become an option, working as more of a promotional tool to get students interested.

An idea stemming from this was a large cardboard (or other cheap malleable materials) 'i' placed around city centres with some kind of incentive to interact with the promotional 'event' so to speak.

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