

Whilst discovering the Lexicon card game in my attic, these old driving licenses that once belonged to my grandad popped up. I love again how small they are, no bigger than a playing card but still fully functional little books. Simple type over block colour, each with a different crest, I'd like to find out why each crest is different seeing as they are all English and were issued not too far apart in terms of years.

It's a shame they are from the late 40's and 50's or they could've made a feature in the typography book I'm producing for the 80 YEARS ON brief. The contrast between printed and written type is really interesting in the bottom left scan, handwriting was so much more considered as it was still one of the main methods of documentation for the average person back then. The digital age has allowed us to become a lot sloppier when it comes to hand rendered type, rarely seeing examples like this magenta and blue, I couldn't even imagine having handwriting so perfect!

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