

I found this rather helpful link, a massive directory of top-ten games from various different sources, a good 50+ lists from over the years with an overall summary/ranking at the bottom. Some of the games mentioned don't come under the catergories I've been looking into, but it is nonetheless a very helpful source. I've included the overall top ten list they complied but will definitely be referring back to this site for further investigations...

A few other pointers that were mentioned on the website;

- Action games tend to be the most popular genre. Sports games are decidedly not.
- Sonic the Hedgehog is not popular. In fact, Sega in general has not left much of a legacy, with barely any Genesis games making anyone's lists.
- Tetris is the only puzzle game anyone seems to care about.
- The most popular video game character of all time is clearly Link, closely followed by Mario.
- Despite being the famed "first video game ever" Pong has not aged well, and today no one seems to consider it relevant. Pac Man and Space Invaders are also surprisingly unpopular.

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